Monday, October 8, 2018


If you could ask Brent what is dream birthday activiity would be, it would be the ward campout, and as luck would have it, the ward campout was planned for August 17th, the day Brent turned the big 4 0! The plan was for us all to head up because it was so close (just up Big Cottonwood), and then Stella would stay the night with daddy. However, it got a bit stormy and there was thunder and lightning. Stella is terrified of lightning, so I couldn't keep her up there, even though I knew she would have been fine. Brent didn't protest much either because I think he knew that it was kind of scary. I've never been in the canyon with lighting at night and it is creepy how it lights up the whole world for a second and it can kind of freak a girl out.

It was still an ok night. The girls had roasted hotdogs and Brent made Stella a magical perfectly melted smore. Also, a family up there was thoughtful enough to light a fat emergency candle so we could sing to Brent.

The whole way home Stella was hysterical. She hated leaving her dad up there alone and ruining his birthday. Plus, she was convinced he wouldn't survive. All in all the weather was a bummer, but in the end, I'm not sure we will ever forget the great 40th birthday camp-out of 2018.

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