Saturday, November 23, 2019


It has always been Stella's wish to enjoy her birthday at a restaurant that sings to you or does something special if it is your birthday. One of her favorite places is Bonsai. It is not a cheap place to go so I invited everyone, but I told them they would have to buy their own dinner. It didn't feel classy, but I wasn't up for hosting a big dinner at our house anyway so I was willing to take the his to my classiness.

It was a fun night and I know Stella felt special. I think her favorite gift was from her dad. He got her tickets to a Carly Rae Jeppson concert for them to go together. In the end it was a great night and a fun way to celebrate Stella. She did however lament at the end of the day, that because of not having our traditional house didn't really feel like her birthday. So I bet she goes back to wanting a party at home this next year.

My baby girl was 11, and I can't believe how fast it has gone by. I can't believe how much I have enjoyed being her mom. She is so thoughtful, and fun, and such an important part of our family. She is so talented and being her mom means I'm basically bragging about her all of the time.

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