Saturday, December 14, 2019


Suzy's visits don't usually get a blog post, but I thought it was about time. She comes to Utah every summer for about a month and she is pretty busy. I'm so grateful that she makes time for me when she comes. One of my favorite things to do that I look forward to every year is going over to her mom's house and hanging out in her cozy backyard while the kiddos swim. I love chatting it up with her and her mom. I feel like a get spoiled every time.

This year, we went on July 9th. The kiddos were in the pool for about five hours straight. We got Chic-fil-A and we just hung out. Suzy's mom is a very avid gardener and I was enamored with her beautiful poppies. I wish I could be with Suzy every day. I'm thankful for Marco Polo that helps us keep in touch with her crazy schedule.

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