Monday, January 13, 2020


So Cali and Stella had a sleepover and when Christy came to drop off Cali she mentioned that she would like to do a last minute girl's trip to Disneyland. Disney was offering a discount for pass-holders to be able to buy passes for friends at a discount. She asked if we wanted to come. My only real hesitation was that we would be getting back on Brent's birthday. But he seemed fine with it so I was in. And nothing thrills me more folks than a last minute Disney adventure.

We left on our road trip on Wednesday August 14th. I have never personally been the adult on a road trip to California, but Christy does it all the time so she was game to drive. It was actually not that bad because we just chatted the whole way. It was a LONG drive though. It takes a whole day to get there and that is so much time wasted I think. But we made the most of it for sure. I wanted to stop at 7 Magic Mountains on our way there. It is just outside of Las Vegas and I had never been. Holy cow it was SO hot. Like it was the kind of hot were you can barely stand to breathe and you can't imagine a world where you will ever be cold again. But everyone we as a group pushed through to get those pictures, because that is all that matters in the end...the pictures.

We had dinner at Vince's spaghetti which is Christy's favorite place were I tease her that you can either chose the spaghetti or the spaghetti. I chose the spaghetti. We got to Christy's mom's house maybe around 9 or 10 and got ready for bed so we could get up for a fun Disney day in the morning. We had the house to ourselves and it was awesome to be able to stay there and save some money on our trip.

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