Thursday, February 28, 2019


In general, the holiday season stressed me out this year, and I kind of went rouge. I announced that I wasn't going to buy gifts for nieces and nephews and that I was really cutting back on gifts. I was just so sick of stuff and also found myself not wanting to make any plans. It didn't take a genius to figure out that I was reacting to Vivien being in the hospital last year. That whole event was so traumatic to me and was also a really good wake up call to what really counts at Christmas. I STILL and will ALWAYS believe that Christmas should be fun and doesn't need to feel like it has all these restrictions and rules about the true meaning of Christmas. However, I did feel like I wanted to take a step back and not make it such a big deal. It worked mostly. In the end I was surprised how hard the season was for me. I was so worried about Vivi getting sick that I could hardly bare to deal with anything.

Cookie decorating was one of those things. We have had to cancel so many times because of illness of one of the kids, but I love it so much and always want it to be a tradition we at lease try and make happen. We only had one time that worked out for all of us so we planned and hoped for the best. Vivi did get pretty sick the week before and it lasted up until the cookie day. She was coughing all over the cookies that she handled but I'm glad she felt well enough to participate and in the end didn't get anyone else sick. She really loved it.

I think my sugar cookies are the best in the land so it is always great to have some of those as well, and I am sure Santa enjoyed all of the cookies that were set aside for him.

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