Wednesday, February 27, 2019


December 8th will go down in history as one of my favorites. Vivi's first dance recital was the stuff of dreams. I have been completely tickled by Vivi taking dance lessons at Miss Julie's where little Stella once danced. When you try to grow your family for so long without success, you kind of get used to the idea you may never get to have a little three year old in dance again. Anyway it's great and Vivi was so excited.

She just glowed in her red leotard. I could not get enough of her face. On stage, she shined. It was so obvious to me that she was the prettiest girl on that stage. Her joy and happiness radiated. Did she know the steps? Not really. Did it matter? Not really.

So lucky to be her mom. I say it all the time, and I mean it all the time.

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