Friday, July 5, 2019


This year, Easter was on April 21st. We had a good day. The girls woke up full Easter baskets and gifts. I always love Easter, because it was our first holiday with Vivien and I can always measure how far she has come. The Easter bunny was super tricky with egg hiding. He picked places that matched the colors of the eggs and some were hard to find. Thankfully, we found them all because they were the real ones this time and they can get stinky if lost.

Regular church isn't until noon, but we had volunteered (mostly Brent had) to do the sacrament at the assisted living home in our stake. Turned out I loved it, and it was my favorite part of the day. The lesson of the resurrection and what it meant really hit home as we sat among all of these people with aging bodies and aging minds. I ended up just singing I Know That My Redeemer Lives, instead of doing an official talk, then the girls sang Families Can Be Together Forever. I sounded ok, the girls sounded great. Brent then was told by the Bishop to make is talk longer to fill all the time, and he did a good job of making it seem like that was his plan all along.

All of the petals from the trees were on the ground and they were going to make the perfect pictures, until some rain came and made them all wet. I tried anyway though and did get a few pictures worth saving, but it was a losing battle. Wet petals don't floats around when you blow or throw them.

The girls hung out and enjoyed their Sunday and then we went over to the Sallay's for Easter dinner. It was a nice night with everyone. The girls played some baseball in the front yard and we all caught up. I was honestly just glad I didn't have to host dinner this year so it was delightful.

Easter is always my favorite holiday it means the beginning of all the warm holidays and fun until we have to endure fall and winter again. Easter 2019 had the perfect mix of fun, church and family.

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