Sunday, July 28, 2019


We are always excited to return to Lagoon, but I was surprised how excited I was this year. You start to feel like you need a place to go for a few hours of adventure and you wish in your heart of hearts that Lagoon is open, and finally...finally...IT IS! Opening day this year was on March 30th and it was so cold. It was also SO busy. We mostly just went to get out passes and enjoy a few hours together, we didn't stay long.  We rode a few rides all together, and then I took Stella and Ava and we rode the Roller Coaster and then waited in line for a million years for Wicked. One of the things that is always hard at the beginning of the season is how slow and inefficient the employees are. It is understandable but it slows you down. Ava helped pass the time in line by making me laugh with her boy hairstyle.

It was almost a month until we made it back. We went on April 20th, and it was Easter weekend. Ashley had to work at the shop so we picked up the kids and took them with us. We rode a few together and then I took the bigs again, but this time we went to the other side of the park. The tulips were all in bloom and it was beautiful everywhere.

On May 4th the Sallay fam went together and Stella and I rode some rides together while Vivi and Brent hung out and then we rode the teacups with Vivi. We had a nice night together.

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