Saturday, May 28, 2011


I always love Stella's wild bath hair. It is crazy to see her relaxing in the bath and realize how big she is now. I remember when she was too tiny for the bath, and it doesn't seem that long ago.

I am trying to figure out what kind of birthday party to throw our soon-to-be three-year old. So tonight, I asked her if she wanted a princess party or a Harry Potter party. She said princess. So I asked her if she wanted a Harry Potter party or a princess party. She said princess again. Ok, fine. I thought that with her recent obsession with all things Harry she might have decided that princesses aren't as cool, but I guess I was wrong. Sorry Mr. Potter, you just can't compete with all the princess bling.


Mistie said...

ohhhh. so cute. gotta love the flowing hair under water....i still like that sensation!
maybe next year with Harry?!!

Lori said...

CUTE! We were at Grandma's last night in the front yard and I could hear her chattering out the front door at whoever was leaving. She is a kid... not a baby.