Monday, March 9, 2020


On October 6th little Vivi fell asleep on my bed without all the sheets on laundry day. She looked so lovely I had to get out my camera and take some pictures. I'm so used to her in our lives sometimes I have this shock when I remember what a miracle she is. I think of her family in China, and I wish so bad I could tell them about this amazing little sassy princess.

I've been meaning to do a post about Cozy, her blanket so I might as well here. We brought this blanket to China. It was one of Stella's old ones. She is very particular about his one. And about a year ago she officially named HER Cozy. Nothing seems to bring her more joy than grabbing Cozy, and popping in her thumb. She loves it when Cozy is cold, she loves to take Cozy and put it in between her toes, she likes to stretch it and rub her fingers on it, and (this is gross) she loves to take the edge and run it back and forth along her eyeball. Yes, her actual eyeball. I'm convinced at least 50% of her illnesses are thanks to the eyeball thing. Cozy is the only blanket that counts, we even have a "pretend Cozy" for emergencies, but it isn't the same.

As I type this in March, Vivi is on the couch watching Frozen, snuggling with Cozy and sucking her thumb.

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