Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Vivien was quite sick in September and so on October 8th I decided to take her to a Himalayan salt cave. We had to drive almost to Provo, but we loved it. Did it help? I am not sure. But it felt good while we were there. Vivien did start coughing pretty hard on the way home and she ended up throwing up all over herself while I was driving on the freeway. It was gross and sad, but I think she got a lot of gunk out of her little body so that was good.

We were feeling all hippy dippy right after being in the cave and so we bought some crystals on our way out. We also bought a take home project in the form of  breaking our own geodes.

We thought it would be a fun and easy little thing to do with Stella when she got home. And it ended up being much harder than we thought. The instructions told us to gently tap the rocks, but it turned our we had to actually pound on them freaking hard LOTS of times. We were also told to put them in a sock, but the sock only got ripped up and made it harder to open. Both Vivi and I smashed our fingers and it took forever, but we did manage to open up all of our rocks to find beautiful crystals inside.

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