Tuesday, September 15, 2020


Every year, I am trying to incorporate more Chinese New Year into our lives. As I learn about the holiday and become more comfortable this I hope that Vivi will have some fun memories and understanding of the holiday. We both have to learn together. This year on January 24th, I had us go out for Japanese and then we went to a Chinese New Year show at Skyline High School. I was picturing this pretty cultural event, but it was just a lot of people talking and as we sat to watch it it was obvious that it was going to be several hours long. We did enjoy the dragon dance and Vivi made friends with one of the dragons. We decided to leave early and go home.

I did see and introduce myself to another adoptive family that lives very close to us. They have a son about Vivi's age. So that was good. And there was a sparkle in Vivi's eyes the whole time that she knew that this was a special night just for her. She loved wearing her dress and seeing other Chinese ladies wearing a similar dress. It gave me more motivation to make an effort to bring more China into our home every year. 

Another notable item is that they made a big announcement about Corona-virus and how we should see a doctor if we have symptoms. At that point I was still thinking that we would never have to deal with that disease. Little did I know...

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