Tuesday, September 15, 2020


So on February 5th, I was just minding my business and watching the fish swim around with Vivien at City Creek Mall. I had basically just rolled out of bed and was wearing my puffiest of coats. This kid comes up to me and asks me if he can ask me a few questions about "what happened in Washington DC today." Let it be noted that I had no idea what had happened, and I assumed it was about President Trump's impeachment trial, but I really wasn't sure. I told him to ask someone else, but he persisted. 

I did not think anything of it and I assumed that he was just writing some blog in college or something. But then that night I get a message from Shari saying she just read an article about me on KSL.com, and that she was dying of laughter. I pull it up and call her and I am instantly mortified. I read the quote out loud to her and I can't read it without laughing because I sound like a psychopath that refuses to make any sense. I ask her how she found it, and she told me that a picture of me is right on the homepage of KSL. Sure enough...there I was. Unfortunately, it was not hard to find this article.

Naturally, I decide to laugh at myself and I shared it with everyone on Facebook and Instagram. It should be noted that the kid interviewing me asked me if I still had hope in the future of the country and that is why I start talking about my hope for the country. But you can see that he wrote exactly as I spoke. He used every word I said...even all my "I don't knows". It gave everyone a good laugh and my true fans were crazy about it. The only one of my fans that didn't think how lame I sounded was funny was my dad. But trust me, I didn't know my 19 year old disappointment in the Utah Jazz was going to get shared with the internet. I also could not bear to read the comments because I could not face anyone I didn't know calling out how dumb I came across. 


One of my favorite observations was from Heather, who said: "You sound just like a politician. You managed to say a lot without saying anything at all." Couldn't argue with that! Overall, the only thing to do was laugh about it. And boy did we ever.



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