Monday, February 22, 2010


It has been several MONTHS that I have been meaning to do a post on Stella's comfort of choice. May I introduce to you: Ni-Night. You have already seen Ni-Night on the blog, and if you have spent much time with Stella in the last little while, you have certainly met Ni-Night.

In the old days, when it was time for Stella to go up to bed for naps I would say, "Let's go ni-night." Miss Stella would then happily head to her crib, grab her favorite green blanket, and proceed to suck her thumb. Soon, she would be off to dreamland. One day I made an interesting discovery. I was gathering all of Stella's belongings for a sleepover at her Nana's. Of course, I packed her green blanket--she just couldn't sleep without it. When she spotted the blanket on top of her diaper bag she yelled out: "Ni-Night!" and went and grabbed the blanket. It was then that I realized that when I told Stella that we were going ni-night, she thought ni-night was her green blanket. Clever kid.

Since then, she has also adopted another green blanket that is much more durable (thankfully) and also calls it Ni-Night. It all seems like rather normal baby behavior, especially the heart trauma she must be causing herself when she can't find her blanket. "Ni-Night!!" she will yell until Ni-Night it found. "Oh, Ni-Night!" she coos as she snuggles him up and grabs her thumb.

I took this picture this morning as Stella was (willingly by her OWN choice) helping me test out some light and a new background for a photo shoot at our house today with her wild hair and all. Oh, and we must not forget Ni-Night helped with the shoot as well.

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