Thursday, September 8, 2011


Stella didn't want to go to preschool today--she wanted to watch a movie. That is, until...we put on the backpack. That backpack made her officially ready for preschool. She told me that she was going to make new friends, and she went right in with no worries at all.

When I picked her up she was upset about leaving a second set of clothes there that we left in case of accidents--I realized when we got to the car that she was worried that other kids would wear her clothes. But after that concern was cleared up she told me she had a great time at preschool. She told me she made new friends and that none of them hit her. So that was good. I am glad she is making some non-violent friendships. She told me the snack was crackers (which she ate) and carrots (which she did not). She played with Play-Doh, practiced her name, and read books. There was also something in there about being an airplane as well.

As for me, besides feeling like I just sent my 3-month old baby to school I am proud of her. It makes me feel a little sad, but I know it is good for her to learn to be independent.


valerie said...

She is growing up so fast!! So cute!! I am glad that she is finding friends that don't hit her! :)

Christy said...

Go Stella! I'm so glad she likes preschool. :)

About Us said...

Way to go! She is such a cutie! I love the photos of her in your dance stuff! :)