Saturday, September 15, 2018


Mark invited lots of people up to Jordanelle Resevoir for a birthday celebration. I make no secret about how I fell about lakes, but I was convinced we would have a good day as we drove up to the lake. Truly this day was so much out of the Sallay family agenda, but we still had a good time. And Vivi had the BEST time.

When we got there we went down to the water with all of Vivi's water toys and that is basically where she stayed the entire time. Brent shocked me by grabbing one of the kayaks and Stella. Then they headed out into the water. It was like seeing a mirage. After all of these years, the man is still full of surprises. I think Stella liked it, but she was probably too nervous to really enjoy it. I tired my best to enjoy the lake, but it truly makes my skin crawl to be around this kind of water. I think I have a little PTSD from my childhood days being by the lake with my grandparents and being stuck on a boat for long days without any food while everyone drank beer and fished. It sounds horrible, but at the time it was just my life, but it really brings me back to be around this kind of dark gross water. You would think I could keep this all to myself, but of course I told everyone that would listen... sometimes I wish I had a filter when I talk to others.

Mark and Kathy made the most amazing pork tacos that I still think about on a daily basis. I think I am going to have to make a case for the tacos to be made the next time they cook. SO good. How did I look in my hat? Vivi got it for me for Mother's Day. The wind blew it in the lake (wind...another reason I hate the lake) within seconds, but I just wore it anyway.

Overall it was an exciting way to spend a Saturday with the Sallay family, and the second we were in the car and heading home Vivi announced that she wanted to go to the beach. I'm taking her to the beach next week in Hawaii though...and that it more my scene.

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