Friday, August 28, 2020


I'm so behind. I swear it is almost Christmas again. But it is unsettling how much I can't get done when life is in a bit of a crisis. Anyway, thankfully we have video footage of this day so I can remember some details of our Christmas morning 2019.

The girls came down and grabbed their stockings. Vivi was thrilled and squealed with delight over every item in her stocking. Vivi got real excited about the wrapped gifts from Santa and gave them a hug. She started to open them and got yelled at poor darling. But she recovered. She was adorable as she opened her presents. She was the perfect age. So thrilled. So joyful. 


Stella was adorable and happy as well. Both girls got plenty of things they technically didn't need. I took both Stella and Vivi on special adventures to get their dad a gift. Stella gave him lots of different chocolates, and Vivi got him a new key chain to hold oil for blessings. Stella got a new internet-less phone...that was probably her favorite. I can't say what Vivi's favorite might have been since she seemed to love each gift equally.  

But the real question on everyone's mind, was would Santa hear Vivi's last minute request for a Boxy girl? Turns out his magical powers prevailed and he was able to get one to our house in the nick of time. glad that worked out. 

After we took our traditional paper toss photos, Brent surprised me by blindfolding me and taking me to the computer to reenact his proposal to me back in 2003. He played the song he wrote and then presented me with a key to his new car. And I cried and cried. It was a symbolic act since when he bought the car he was planning on it only being his. I was a super thoughtful and romantic gesture. One of the reasons I'm stuck on the blog is that he moved out a month ago, and writing about that moment makes me very sad. If only it had been that easy to give me a key to his car and everything could go back to those early days of when we first met.

The rest of the day was spent hanging out. Stella was giving everyone her new phone number, Brent was helping Vivi put all the stickers on her new Barbie plane, and I was eating sugar cookies for breakfast.

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