Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Happy New Year! The idea of life starting new at the hour of midnight is kind of a weird one to me. What difference is a minute really supposed to make? But I guess I can't help thinking of the coming year as its own book on the shelf of my life with highs and lows, the joy of my life always being my little Stella and the family that she has made Brent and I. I've had some growing pains this year, but I know I have come out stronger for it. I am more grateful for the things I have than the things I want. I want a car that works, but I am grateful to generous in-laws that let me drive theirs in the meantime. I want a new couch, but I am grateful I don't have to feel bad about spilling on the one I have. I want a new front door, but I love my house and the ugly frosted window that I can use to peek out and spot any solicitors. I want my extended family to be happy, but I know they have much to be thankful for in their lives. I want a new camera, but I'm pretty lucky to have the one I have and know it has been good to me. Above all I want more children, but I have the best darn kid that has ever lived already. How can I not be thankful for my blessed life?

Here's to a new year and the surprises that we'll find each day.

Here are some pictures of us ringing in 2013 at 9 PM last night. This was Stella's first time with sparklers, and she was hesitant at first, but that didn't last long. She loved them, and we went through several boxes before her tiny frozen fingers could hold no more.


valerie said...

Oh Michelle! I love you and I think you are awesome! I sure wish we lived closer!! (or we were more rich...) And Stella is as cute as ever! I sure hope this year is good to you guys. you deserve it!

Geoff and Christy said...

How fun! I got NO pictures of our New Years this year. Em has been sick and New Year's Eve she had a huge fever and was miserable so we were a little preoccupied with that I guess. I wish I'd have gotten a few. :(
Love the sparklers! :)