Monday, April 15, 2019


We had a pretty magical Christmas morning. Vivi ran to her new pink bike first thing. And she was so excited. Stella was equally excited to share this  morning with Vivi. Stella finds so much joy in being a big sister it is so fun. I know she remembers all of her lonely Christmas mornings and she does not take having Vivi home for granted.

The girls started with opening their stockings and then got on with the gifts. Highlights for Stella were her scriptures, a thing to hold shoes in her room, and from Santa, her Polaroid camera. She also got really thrilled when she opened up her onesie pajamas. Vivi's highlights were her bike, Minnie food, and Cinderella Castle from Santa. When Vivi opened up her Minnie food set she exclaimed: "I WANTED THIS!!!" It was pretty cute. She still plays with that food pretty much every day three months later. Brent and I got a few practical gifts and overall it was a great little morning.

Obviously the highlight for me was throwing around paper at the end. It is my favorite tradition and I never want to stop.

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