Monday, April 15, 2019


For Christmas dinner we headed all the way to my parent's (really mom's) new place out in Daybreak. The main plus for me going there is that there is no cat. My parents inherited my grandpas cat and most of us are allergic to it. Me especially after being around there for about 15 mins I start to sneeze non stop and I basically feel like I have the worst cold. I hate it. So no cat at Daybreak is the best.

When we first got there my dad wanted our help hanging his new TV, which for some reason scared me to death. Dad was in crisis build mode which is always a treat for everyone. Lots of swearing and yelling and getting worked up. Classic. I was sure that thing was going to fall on my face and kill me in some freak accident. Thankfully that did not happen and we all lived to tell the tale.

Everyone else arrived after that drama and we had a pretty good night. I was in a weird mood. I cannot believe how much last Christmas seemed to affect me. I didn't want any gifts and I really didn't get any and I loved it. Normally I come home from Christmas with a box of stuff I don't know what to do with and this year, I didn't it was great.

It seemed the Evans clan was all a bit on edge this year, but I suppose we are perfect in our imperfections. But I tell you what is always perfect. My dad's turkey. Delicious.

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