Thursday, December 24, 2009


Growing up, every year on Christmas Eve I couldn't believe it was time to put out the curb candles again (a tradition in my parents' neighborhood). Christmas was always here again so fast. Tonight we went over to my parents' house and I made lasagna. Brent's parents and sister Kathy also joined us. It was a fun little night, and especially fun to have everyone together as a family.

Stella was still totally skilled at unwrapping presents. When she unwrapped a gift (that was technically Ava's) to find a play phone inside she was thrilled. That was UNTIL her dad took too long to get the phone out of its packaging, and we soon discovered the downside to giving presents to 18 month olds.

Right now Stella is asleep, snug in her bed with sugar plums and kid movies on Blu-ray dancing in her head.

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