Saturday, May 31, 2014


My love for little Finn really can't be measured. He is a doll and I miss him when we aren't together. He is already so big, but about a month and a half ago when he was still kind of tiny (April 16) I had him over for a sleepover. It was so fun. He kept me up late and woke me up early but I didn't care. He acted too tired to stay up to eat his midnight bottle, but as soon as it was done he was wide awake giving me big eyes. Then I changed his diaper, then he pooped twice, so I changed his diaper twice again. Then he got the loudest hiccups I have ever heard from someone so small. I was laughing so hard while holding his little hiccuping body that I had tears running down my face. Part of the laughing tears might have been that it was almost 2 AM. Oh baby, I love him.

The next morning we had a little photo shoot. All these pictures are so similar, but I just love all of his expressions.

Stella LOVED having cousin Finn at her house.

Finn is a lovebug especially to his Grammy and Mom.

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