Monday, January 29, 2018


We get this pile of leaves every year on the north side of our house. And it is a ton of leaves. I kind of dread dealing with it each year. For a long time I didn't even realize they were there and our neighbors hated that I ignored those leaves, so I am always aware of them in the fall now and it bugs me until they are dealt with.

This year I told Brent he had to scoop up the leaves, but he handled it by hiring two neighbor kids who decided after a day of working in another neighbor's yard that they were too tired to do our leaves. So I just decided I would do them myself. Thankfully Ady and Preston appeared and made the task fun and FAST. They are really good workers! Honestly, I'll tell you what made it the most fun year of all was Vivi. She really loved helping with the leaves. She loved using the broom and putting leaves in the bag. She was basically adorable crunching around in the leaves. I ran in the house and got out the good camera to capture her enthusiasm for leaf cleanup.

We finished just in time as the sun set on November 4th.

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