Monday, May 25, 2020


Vivi's Christmas dance recital was on December 7th. She wanted a blue dress so she would look like Elsa. She looked beautiful. When we were driving to the school she exclaimed: "It is my dance recital! It is my lucky day!" But I corrected her to let her know, that actually it is mine. I love these things, and I adore watching this little muffin on stage. She kind of does her on thing and doesn't necessarily cater to traditional ideas of dance like choreography and other such stipulations. But she freaking shines on stage.

It was extra special that she was wearing the same red coat that Stella wore to her Christmas recital at the same school. I am so lucky to be able to do all these fun things again with Vivi that I enjoyed 110% with Stella.

It is basically devastating to me that Vivien did not get a Spring recital this year. One of the number one losses of the quarantine for me. I'm glad I enjoy the moments as they come, because you never know when they won't get to happen because of illness or some worldwide pandemic.

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