Monday, October 8, 2018


At the beginning of the summer there was this art pop up called the Hall of Breakfast. It looked kinda fun, but the tickets were pricey and I wasn't sure if it for sure would be worth the cost of tickets. I kept asking people if they wanted to go, but no one was really motivated and I didn't feel like I could pressure anyone when I didn't know for sure if it would be fun. Heidi was always interested though, but the pop up was supposed to be gone by the time she made it to Utah for her visit.

On the Friday of her visit I saw that it was extended AGAIN until the end of August, so we could go if we wanted to. We decided to take the plunge and check it out on Saturday August 4th. It ended up being about five times as fun as I could have ever imagined. Basically it just was my kind of thing. It was clever and silly and fun and taking pictures inside every room was a delight. Plus even though it was Saturday, we often had the rooms to ourselves. It was great. We stayed two hours and I think we could have stayed longer, but being around all that talk of food without eating food made me pretty dang hungry.

You start off in this stark white room with a retro style fridge door. When you open it, smoke comes out like you are walking in a cold freezer. So cute. Then you walk down a hallway with milk jugs and you can try some ice cream and use the letter magnets to write a message.

Then we entered the egg room. We loved that room. They had an egg toss and a very adorable egg wall to pose on. Vivi loved laying face down on the giant eggs in the room and just relaxing.

Next was the bacon room, with the bacon slide. Vivi was into the slide for sure.

The cereal room might have been my favorite. It has been months now, and I am still finding confetti from the cereal room. The photo possiblities in this room were endless. I would go back to this room in a heartbeat, and honestly I would be cool having a room like this in my house. That paper confetti was magical. Vivi loved scooping it up in a bowl with a big spoon and then tossing it over her little head.

Next was the waffle vs. pancakes room. I wasn't that interested in it at first, but then Vivi started carrying around a giant waffle and I was hooked. Taking our protest pictures was pretty dang fun. I am a pancake girl all the way.

The doughnut room was GREAT! Who knew you could have so much fun with a couch and a pile of fake doughnuts? Vivi was a superstar model in this room, not that I am surprised. Her family code name is of course "dondon", which is how she says doughnut. 

The room had two giant doughnut swings, and they were WAY more fun that I ever thought possible. It felt amazing to swing on a giant doughnut. Who knew I was missing that experience in my life, and thankfully now I have had it.

The last room was where we spent the most of our time. It was a giant ball pit representing fruit. Vivi HATED it and we were watching videos of us in it last night and she kept telling my how much Vivi hated the balls. It scared her and I don't blame her, giant ball pits scared me as a kid too. We had the room to ourselves for like 45 minutes so we hung out there a long time having fun and taking so many pictures and videos. And laughing a lot. It was great.

After that room we stopped off in the store for a few treasures and then we made our way through again in reverse. I wanted some more time on the swings and in the cereal room. I kinda didn't want to leave honestly. I was into the whole thing. I even toyed with the idea of going again and just taking Vivi when Stella started school, but I never did. I wasn't sure it would all measure up to the magic of the first time.

I'm SO glad they extended it pop up so we could go with the Gummows and make yet another amazing memory together. We are fun.

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