Thursday, July 9, 2015


I've been babysitting sweet adorable Porter every Monday and Tuesday since the beginning of the year. It has been extra fun because he is sweet and oh so cute. One day on March 10th he was wearing my favorite shirt of his and he was in an extra good mood so I took him in my room for some pictures.

He was adorable for them because he could sit up, but he had yet to learn to crawl so he couldn't sneak away from me. These pictures were one of the last pushes for me to upgrade to a better camera because even though I was doing all I could for them to turn out, so many of them are still not sharp because I need a better ISO (so I can take better pictures in lower light). Still, these turned out pretty cute, because the subject...well...he is something adorable!

1 comment:

valerie said...

He is so cute! Looks like his mom with some daddy faces. ADORABLE!